PUB RESTORED INTO A CHURCH - Salem Danville, Pretoria, South Africa


Salem Danville's first service was under a carport on the 1st of March 2009 with 6 people. We started because the people of Danville spoke a need of a Biblical, relevant and alive church.

In December of 2009 we took over an old pub in Danville and renovated it into our church - a miracle done by God! Today we minister to about 100 people, 30 teenagers and 60 children.
Danville is a poor area in Pretoria West, South Africa - unique in a sense that there is poor people of all cultures and races.

Our vision - to bring His Peace and restoration to the people of Danville. To show them that your circumstances do not dictate God's love for you. Jesus loves all, no matter who you are, what you've done, or how much money you have!

Share the joy of ministering to the poor with us in this blog!

Kobus & Anina Homan (Pastors Salem Danville)

(Visit for our newsletters)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Righteous king, merciful father

I while back I heard the following story. I do not know who the author is, but I want to share it with you:

Long ago there was a kingdom with a good king. This king ruled according with what the Word of God said, and he look very well after all his followers.

One day, one of his leaders came to him and informed him that there was a problem in the kingdom. The problem was the sin of adultery. The king was shocked and he immediately made a new law. The punishment for anyone who is caught in the act of adultery will be that both their eyes would be burned out.

The king made it so severe, because he thought nobody would dare commit this awful sin, if they knew the consequences. And for a long time, there were no reports of adultery.

But one day, a leader came to him, white in his face, informing the king that they have caught someone in the act of adultery. The king was very upset and commanded that the person must be brought to him so that they can burn out both his eyes.

The leader however was very afraid to bring the person to the king. The king became angry and demanded that the person must be brought to him. The door went open and there, with his head hanging down, stood the king’s son…

The king was so shocked he could not get a word out. His one leader said: “My king, surely the people will understand, give your son a warning and let him go!”

But the king knew he can’t do that, he knew he had to do what the law required, otherwise the people will lose respect for the law and his authority. It broke his heart.

He ordered the goldsmith to get the fire ready to start the punishment… the screams of his son could be heard throughout the whole kingdom when the king’s son first eye was burned out.

When the goldsmith got ready to burn the son’s second eye, the king stopped him and said: “No, burn one of my eyes!”

The law was righteously fulfilled by the king – two eyes for the punishment of adultery. But the mercy of a father sacrificed one of his own eyes!

This father gave one of his eyes. Our heavenly Father gave His Son!


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